Wisdom eBooks Club

Wisdom eBooks Club

"King Solomon asked for neither gold nor intelligence, but Wisdom"

About Us

Wisdom eBooks Club started by Michael H. Collins to provide individuals curious about religion an opportunity to learn more about their religion of choice or to learn about a new religion at a very low cost.

The Wisdom eBooks Club is not religion-specific website, it is a website designed to give people of all religions access to information that might interest them. I didn't want to make this business about what Michael Collins believes should be one's religion of choice. I'm putting information that encompasses the entire religious spectrum on our site and letting you choose the books you wish to read.

Wisdom eBooks Club is a company that provides access to information for all religions. We aim to further your religious knowledge by making the study of religious materials easier. We have developed proprietary software, “The Wisdom eStudy Bible” that makes reading, searching, and poring over the Bible simpler and therefore more rewarding.


To inform, inspire and nurture the human spirit by providing a platform that makes religious information universally accessible through the use of innovative technologies, thereby making our company the world's most premiere religious software and ebook provider.


To make religious study more easier, more productive, and more rewarding.

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