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Africanus’ Timeline

Africanus’ Timeline

Besides recreating Africanus’ timeline, which covers the first 5721 years of creation, we have added modern events to the Africanus timeline to bring our timeline to the current Hebrew Year, 7521 (2021 AD).
Although the Septuagint was widely accepted by Africanus’ contemporaries, and by Africanus himself, he realized its position as a translation meant that it was in a critical sense unoriginal and the ancient Hebrew Scriptures were superior. Though his timeline is basically a chronological number match with the Septuagint, he says in his writings that he only used the ancient Scriptures, and they provide the framework through which he based his computations. He places Creation in Hebrew Year 1 (5500 BC), the Great Flood in Hebrew Year 2262 (3238 BC), Babylonian Captivity of Jerusalem in Hebrew Year 4870 (630 BC), the Incarnation of the Messiah on the first day of Hebrew Year 5501 (1 AD), and his Resurrection in Hebrew Year 5531 (32 AD).

How to Get to Current Hebrew Year

The “Ancient Hebrew Calendar” was a lunisolar calendar that depended on both the moon and the sun to calculate its durations. In ancient times, the duration from one new moon to the next determined the duration of what we now refer to as a month, and they based the duration of the days and years on the cycle of the sun. The time from one sunset to the next sunset was one day, and the time required for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun was one year. The vernal equinox determined the start of the ancient Hebrew year. Refer to Wisdom Magazine’s “Ancient Hebrew Calendar” article for additional information.
You add 5499 to the Gregorian calendar year number if the date is before the Rosh Chodashim (Hebrew New Year’s) date and 5500 if it is after to get the current Hebrew year number. For example, if the current date was December 21, 2020, we would have already passed the 2020 Rosh Chodashim date and you would calculate the current Hebrew year as 5500 + 2020 = year 7520. If we skip forward to January 21, 2021, that date is before the 2021 Rosh Chodashim date, so you would calculate the current Hebrew year as 5499 + 2021 = 7520. The 2021 Rosh Chodashim date for Tel Aviv, Yisrael (Israel) is on March 14th. If we calculated the current Hebrew year on March 25th, 2021, it would be 5500 + 2021 = 7521, since it occurs after Rosh Chodashim.

Adam to Noe (Noah)

The Great Flood occurred when Noe (Noah) was 600 years old, there were 2262 years from Adam to the flood. Shortly after turning 500, Noah became a father. While he was raising his family, Yahuah (God) told him to build the ark. After turning 600 Noe, along with his wife, sons, and daughters-in-law entered the Ark. Noah’s children are the 10th generation to be born of Adam and Havah (Eva or Eve).
It rained 40 days and 40 nights, and the flood joined the waters of the sky with the waters on the earth. It was another 150 days after the rain stops before the water completely receded.

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