Wisdom eBooks Club



Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam

Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam

Importance of Studying Biography of Prophet Muhammad

This biography looks at the life and teachings of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. From the introduction: Just as the character of Jesus is stamped upon the religion which originated in His Person, so is the character of Mohammed impressed upon the system which he, with marvelous ingenuity, founded.
The practical influence of Islam upon individual lives produces results that reflect the character of its founder, and a careful study of the tenets of the system in relation to its history enables the student to estimate the actual worth of the man. As the Apostle of God, Mohammed is the ideal of every true Moslem. His life is the standard by which it tests the lives of his followers, although he himself confesses that his life was not holy.
In the Koran, and the earlier traditions, it pictures him as being no better than his fellows, and as weak and liable to error as the poorest of his contemporaries. Yet later tradition minimizes his faults and weakness, and surrounds his person with a halo of glory that makes him appear sinless and almost divine. All the doubtful incidents of his life are eliminated and ignored, or supported and defended by his pious, misguided followers.”
This book shows the truthful narrative behind the man as it steers you through his childhood, and the when and why he founded his religion. The book reveals how he strengthened his spirituality and how he got past his revelations as he needed them. Muhammad wasn’t against women as his devotees have become, instead he loved and respected his first wife. This is an outstanding publication to assist you in understanding this religion that desires to expand all over the planet, and reveals why if someone who refuses to convert to Islam, could be taken as slaves.

The Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad demonstrated attributes that all devotees must adhere to in their daily lifestyle. Allah (swt) says: “There has been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah often.” (AI-Qur’an, Surah al-Ahzab, 33: 21) It’s incumbent upon us to understand the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They’re other reasons to examine the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) life including:

i. It is an Obligatory (Fard) Task: Examining the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mandatory for everyone who considers themselves as a follower. Disciples realize that the evidence which proves that someone is a believer goes to two issues, such as (i) to believe in one Allah and (ii) Muhammad (pbuh) is His (swt) prophet the best approach to learn about His (pbuh) way of life is to examine the sirah: biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The greatest biography of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the Qur’an as He (pbuh) employed and performed all the teachings of the Qur’an in His (pbuh) life.
ii. To Understand the Qur’an: We cannot fully understand the Qur’an unless we learn about the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There are many lessons in the Qur’an to complete during our lifetime which have been explained through the works of the Prophet (pbuh). Thus, one can only know the Qur’an and adhere to it in our daily lives after we understand the biography and teachings of the Prophet (pbuh).

iii. To Strengthen our Iman (belief): When someone wants to increase their Iman, they must learn the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Through the examination of His (pbuh) life, we can learn the practice of Islam and how to live our earthly life so that we’ll have a better next life (al-Akhirah). It is required by our Iman that we must love Him (pbuh) more than anyone.
iv. To improve our Character and Behavior: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wasn’t merely sent as the mercy to the worlds, as Allah (swt) states In the Qur’an. But also, to perfect the moral character. The Messenger of Allah says: I have been sent to perfect good character.” (Mu’atta Malik. Hadith no. 1614) Thus, if someone wishes to perfect their moral character, they are required to study the biography of Prophet (pbuh).
v. To promote Peace and Harmony: In 23 years’ time, the Prophet (pbuh) established peace and harmony in a society where it was unthinkable. Subsequently, his (pbuh) life and teachings provides us with a remarkable way to conquer present day volatile conditions and to promote peace and harmony in the world.

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Mahomet Founder of Islam

Mahomet Founder of Islam

Islamic Origins

This book is unusual in that the writer is able to write about such a divisive issue in an impartial fashion, seeking to snake through the mystique and myths that have evoked relating to Muhammad over the millennia. Sometimes she compliments him, other times she criticizes him. The author also compares and contrast the differences between Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
Mahomet is more similar to the ancient Hebrew prophets than to Christian rulers or saints. His thoughts were like theirs in its denunciation of other religions, and in its adoration of one God. This fundamental doctrine was already accepted in other nations, and their construct of belief in one God was such that further improvement of belief remained possible to them.
The ideology of Islam prevents it from evolving, because its structure doesn’t permit such concepts as divine incarnation, spiritual immanence, and the fatherhood of God. It was content to have one article of faith: “There is no God but God.” the upshot as to Mahomet’s divine selection as a Prophet being a confirmation of obedience to the specific condition of faith he instituted.
The history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and cultural developments of Islamic civilization. Most historians accept that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century AD. Muslims regard Islam as a return to the original faith of the prophets, such as Jesus, Solomon, David, Moses, Abraham, Noah and Adam, with the submission (Islam) to the will of God.
The history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and cultural developments of Islamic civilization. Most historians accept that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century AD. Muslims regard Islam as a return to the original faith of the prophets, such as Jesus, Solomon, David, Moses, Abraham, Noah and Adam, with the submission (Islam) to the will of God.

Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca around the year 570. His household were a part of the Quraysh, the preeminent clan of Mecca who were very influential throughout western Arabia. The polytheistic Kaaba temple in Mecca and the neighboring territory was a favored pilgrimage stop, which had substantial monetary impact on the city.
Muhammad was accustomed to Jewish doctrines and observances, and was familiar with the Hanif.
Like the Hanif, Muhammad practiced Tahannuth, spending time in solitude at mount Hira and disavowing paganism. When he was around 40 years old, he received divine revelations from the angel Gabriel at mount Him’. These revelations would later make up the Quran. These revelations prompted him to profess a monotheistic belief, as an expression of the prophetic attitude previously asserted in Judaism and Christianity; to warn his adherents of the imminent Judgement Day; and to rebuke the social inequalities in Mecca. Muhammad’s message gained a few supporters, but was greeted with much opposition from dignitaries of Mecca. In 622, after a loss of security from the death of his distinguished uncle Abu Talib, Muhammad fled Mecca and went to the city of Yathrib (later named Medina) where he was joined by his worshipers. Subsequent generations consider this milestone moment, identified as the hijra, as the birth of the Islamic era.

In Yathrib, Muhammad established the basis of the new Islamic society, assisted by new Quranic verses which provided direction on matters of legislation and religious observance. The surahs of this time highlighted his elevation among the Biblical prophets, but also separated the message of the Quran from Christianity and Judaism. Armed conflict with Meccans and Jewish people of the Yathrib area soon started. In 629, after a sequence of military encounters and political maneuvers, Muhammad would take control of Mecca and devotion of the Quraysh.
Up to the time of his death in 632, tribal chiefs across the peninsula joined into numerous pacts with him, some through feelings of alliance, others professing his prophethood and agreeing to adhere to Islamic practices, including paying the alms levy to his regime, which comprised several aides, a group of followers, and a treasury fund.

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Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam

Similarity and Differences of Christianity and Islam

GodOnly one god – called AllahOnly one God – a triune being called God or Jehovah
JesusA prophet who was virgin-born, but not the Son of GodDivine son of God who was virgin-born. He is God’s Word and Savior to humanity
CrucifixionJesus was not crucified. Someone was substituted for Jesus and He hid until He could meet with the disciplesA fact of history that is necessary for the atonement of sin and the salvation of believers
Jesus’ ResurrectionSince Muslims do not believe in the Crucifixion, there is no need to believe in the ResurrectionA fact of history that signifies God’s victory over sin and death
TrinityA blasphemy signifying belief in three gods. In Islam, the Trinity is mistakenly thought to be God, Jesus, and MaryThe one God is eternally revealed in three coequal and coeternal persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
SinSin is disobedience to the established law. Sin does not grieve Allah.Sin is rebellion against God. Sin grieves God
ManMan is created by Allah and is sinlessMan is created in God’s image and is sinful by nature
SalvationSalvation is achieved by submitting to the will of Allah. There is no assurance of salvation – it is granted by Allah’s mercy aloneSalvation is a gift accepted by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ on the Cross and provided through God’s grace
BibleMuslims accept the Bible (especially the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Gospels) insofar as it agrees with the Qur’anThe Bible is the inspired Word of God that is complete and not to be added to
Qur’an (Koran)A later revelation that supersedes and corrects errors in the BibleNot accepted as divine revelation

Carl Heinrich Becker

His Works:

  • Ibn Gauzi’s Manaqib Omar Ibn’ Abdelaziz (Dissertation, 1899)
  • Beitrage zur Geschichte Agyptens unter dem Islam (2 vols., 1902- 1903)
  • Papyri Schott-Reinhardt: Veroffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus‐ Sammlung, Vol. 1 ( 1906)
  • Der Kanzel im Kultus des alten Islam (1906)
  • Christentum und Islam (1907)
  • L’Islam et la Colonisation de l’Afrique (1910)
  • Gedanken zur Hochschulreform (1919)
  • Kulturpolitische Aufgaben des Reichs (1919)
  • Kant und die Bildungskrise der Gegenwart (1924)
  • Islamstudien: Vom Werden und Wesen der islamischen Welt (2 vols., 1924- 1932)
  • Vom Wesen der deutschen Universitaet (1925)
  • Die preussische Kunstpolitik und der Fall Schilling (1925)
  • Die Paedagogische Akademie im Aufbau unseres nationalen Bildungswesens (1926)
  • Zu Beethovens 100. Todestag (1927)

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