Wisdom eBooks Club



Chosen Peoples by Israel Zangwill

Chosen Peoples by Israel Zangwill

Practices and Rituals

Are the Jews the Chosen People?

Israel Zangwill

ghetto children

The “of the Ghetto” books:

  • Children of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People (1892)
  • Grandchildren of the Ghetto (1892)
  • Dreamers of the Ghetto (1898)
  • Ghetto Tragedies, (1899)
  • Ghetto Comedies, (1907)

Other Works

  • Chosen Peoples, (1919)
  • The Big Bow Mystery (1892)
  • The King of Schnorrers (1894)
  • The Master (1895) (based on the life of friend and illustrator George Wylie Hutchinson)
  • The Melting Pot (1909)
  • The Old Maid’s Club (1892)
  • The Bachelors’ Club (London : Henry, 1891)
  • The Serio-Comic Governess (1904)
  • Without Prejudice (1896)
  • Merely Mary Ann (1904)
  • The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes (1903) which include The Grey Wig; Chasse-Croise; The Woman Beater; The Eternal Feminine; The Silent Sisters

Playwrights and Associated Films

  • Children of the Ghetto, directed by Frank Powell (1915, based on the play Children of the Ghetto)
  • The Melting Pot, directed by Oliver D. Bailey and James Vincent (1915, based on the play The Melting Pot)
  • Merely Mary Ann, directed by John G. Adolfi (1916, based on the play Merely Mary Ann)
  • The Moment Before, directed by Robert G. Vignola (1916, based on the play The Moment of Death)
  • Mary Ann, directed by Alexander Korda (Hungary, 1918, based on the play Merely Mary Ann)
  • Nurse Marjorie, directed by William Desmond Taylor (1920, based on the play Nurse Marjorie)
  • Merely Mary Ann, directed by Edward LeSaint (1920, based on the play Merely Mary Ann)
  • The Bachelor’s Club, directed by A. V. Bramble (1921, based on the novel We Moderns)
  • We Moderns, directed by John Francis Dillon (1925, based on the play We Moderns)
  • Too Much Money, directed by John Francis Dillon (1926, based on the play Too Much Money)
  • Perfect Crime, directed by Bert Glennon (1928, based on the novel The Big Bow Mystery)
  • Merely Mary Ann, directed by Henry King (1931, based on the play Merely Mary Ann)
  • The Crime Doctor, directed by John S. Robertson (1934, based on the novel The Big Bow Mystery)
  • The Verdict, directed by Don Siegel (1946, based on the novel The Big Bow Mystery)

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The Antiquities of the Jews

The Antiquities of the Jews

Judean Antiquities

antiquities jews

Antiquities of the Jews is a 20-volume historical composition, penned in Greek, by the Jewish writer Flavius Josephus in AD 94 during the 13th year of the reign of Roman emperor Flavius Domitian. In the foreword of Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus tells why he wanted to do this work.
He writes:“Now I have undertaken the present work, as thinking it will appear to all the Greeks worthy of their study; for it will contain all our antiquities, and the constitution of our government, as interpreted out of the Hebrew Scriptures.”
The book consists of a record of history of the Jewish society for Josephus’ gentile cohorts. In its first 10 volumes, Josephus describes the stories of the Hebrew Bible commencing with the creation of Adam and Eve. The next 10 volumes outline Jewish history beyond the scriptural text and up to the Hebrew War, or the First Hebrew–Roman War, 66 to 73 CE.

The Wars of the Jews

wars of jews

This publication, along with Josephus’s other notable work, The Jewish War (De Bello Iudaico), contributes valuable cultural knowledge for historians trying to learn 1st-century AD Judaism and the early Christian era.
Antiquities of the Jews incorporates an abundance of exclusive, and treasured, ancient information. This includes the history of Armenia, the Hellenistic states, Parthia, the Nabatean kingdom and Rome’s subjugation of the territories of Western Asia. Scholars regard this work of Josephus as one of the most influential publications in classical Roman history, along with the writings of Suetonius, Tacitus and Titus Livius. Jerome, one of the most knowledgeable Christian writers of the 4th–5th centuries, referred to Josephus Flavius as “Titus Livius of the Greeks”. Louis Feldman, a Josephean scholar, pointed out several falsehoods about the Hebrews that were being 
They believed that the Hebrews had no outstanding historical leaders and no solid history of their societies. It was believed that they held hostility toward non-Hebrews, and were disloyal and unpatriotic. It is because of these sentiments throughout the Roman Empire that Josephus decided to produce an “apologia” of the Hebrew past.

Josephus omitted many stories in the Hebrew narrative. For instance, the “Song of The Sea” chanted by Moses and the Israelites after their salvation at the Red Sea is eliminated from Josephus’ work. Likewise, owing to his apprehension with pagan antisemitism, Josephus eliminated the full incident regarding the golden calf from his version of the story of Israelites at Mount Sinai. Other Hebrew scholars have proposed that he feared that the scriptural account could be used by Alexandrian anti-Semites to add credence to their charge that the Hebrews worshiped an ass’s head in the Temple (cf. Apion 2:80, 114, 120; Tacitus, Histories 5:4).

Josephus writes that Abraham himself educated the Egyptians in science, and they likewise educated the Greeks, and that Moses established a parliamentary clerical nobility which resisted sovereignty, like Rome. Josephus presented the major characters of the scriptural stories as philosophical leaders to make the history of the Hebrew’s more acceptable to his Greco-Roman advocates.
The surviving copies of this book, which all stem from Christian sources, includes 2 disputed verses about Jesus. They call the lengthier one the Testimonium Flavianum. If legitimate, it is one of the earliest nonbiblical accounts of Jesus, and is often pointed to as proof of the factual existence of Jesus.
In the 9th–10th centuries, a Hebrew translation known as the “Josippon”, appeared in Italy. It depicted Hebrew history and the major events throughout the earth from the time of the construction of the Tower of Babel to the seizure of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. This work was a truncated translation of Jewish Antiquities and The Jewish War, but Joseph ben Gorion was declared the author. With the advent of printing, Jossipon was actually published before the work of Josephus Flavius in1476, making it just as popular as the major work Antiquities of the Jews.


  • The first Greek translation of Antiquities of the Jews in Greek occurred in 1544. Other publications followed in 1611 and 1634 (Cologne), 1687 (Oxford), 1691 (Leipzig), 1700 (Oxford), 1726 (Leiden), etcetera. They translated Antiquities of the Jews into French, Italian, German and Spanish during the 15th – 16th centuries. It has been published in contemporary languages, Latin and Russian.
  • The best-known rendition of the Antiquities of the Jews was completed by William Whiston in 1737. Whiston’s version has been in publication since then. A cross-reference hierarchy for the Works of Josephus and the Biblical canon exists also.

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Ancient Hebrew New Year

Ancient Hebrew New Year


Vernal Equinox

The vernal equinox determines the start of the year. Therefore, the year starts in the Spring not in the Winter like with the Gregorian calendar or in the Fall like the present-day Jewish calendar.
We use the Spring equinox to start the New Year, the same as the ancient Hebrews, as stipulated in the Torah and the Old Testament Bibles, which tells us that the Pesach (Passover) Festival occurs during the year’s first new moon cycle.
The first new moon is the last new moon before Pesach. New Year’s Day is established by the new moon which occurs closest to the Spring equinox (before or after) when the day and night are of equal length, which ensures the full moon of Passover always occurs after the equinox.
In the Gregorian system, the equinox can occur from March 21-23. The earliest date for the Ancient Hebrew New Year’s Day can be only 14 days before March 21. Thus, the earliest date possible for New Year’s Day is March 8th, and the latest is April 6th. This makes it impossible for Pesach to occur prior to the vernal equinox or later than April 20/21. For example, in Georgia (USA) where I live, the 2021 vernal equinox is on March 20th and the closest new moon to that date is March 13th, making it the 2021 Rosh Chodashim (New Year’s) date.

Chodesh Rishon

Chodesh Rishon (First New Moon) has 2 secondary names. It was occasionally referred to as Rosh Chodashim, which literally means “head of all new moons”, which we refer to as New Year’s Day and to Chodesh Aviv, the New Moon of Spring.
Both Philon Yedidia (aka Philo Judaeus) and Yosef ben Matityahu (aka Flavius Josephus), two prominent historical Hebrew writers and contemporaries of Yahusha the Messiah, verify that the Spring equinox was used to establish the start of a New Year in their time.
Philo, the Hebrew historian, says that Moses established the moon of the Spring equinox as the first month of the year. Josephus the Jewish historian also confirms this and defines it as “when the sun was in Aries”

Relevant Scriptures

And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh and Aharon in the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt), saying, (2) This new moon is the beginning of the new moons for you, it is the first new moon of the year for you. (3) Speak to all the congregation of Yisrael saying. On the tenth day of this new moon, each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.
This chart provides a brief summary of the holy days, the Shabbats, the equinoxes, the harvest seasons and other seasonal information.

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Scripturally Ordained Set-apart Days

Scripturally Ordained Set-apart Days


The process for celebrating a festival or atoning for one’s sin has surely evolved since ancient times. We know the ancient temples were destroyed and that the priests are no longer required to perform burnt offerings, sin offerings or animal sacrifices to atone for our sins. This comes as no surprise, because the Scriptures tell us that the ultimate Pesach lamb came and He will seek atonement for our sins instead of the priests.
They also declare that the holy days must be celebrated for all generations to come. They will even be celebrated after the new heaven and earth are formed.
His linguistic background included proficiency in Hebrew, Latin, Greek and Roman. Many historians regard him as the “Father of Chronology”. Besides being an authority of biblical chronology, he was likewise an authority of biblical prophecy evidenced by being the first scholar who correctly interpreted the Prophecy of Daniel 8 and Daniel 9. 

Chag Matzot

Chag Matzot (Festival of Unleavened Bread) along with Chag Pesach (Passover Festival) commemorates the Exodus from Egypt, but they are also a celebration of the beginning of the barley harvest. Chag Shavuot (Festival of Weeks) is a jubilee of the wheat harvest.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is a day for repentance and atonement as described in great detail in Leviticus 16, and Yom Teruah is a day to sing and rejoice. Chag Sukkot (Festival of Booths) memorializes the wandering of the Israelites in the desert and Chag Asif (Festival of Ingathering) celebrates the final gathering of the years agricultural produce.
On three of the holy/set-apart days, the Hebrew men were directed to sojourn in order to congregate with their fellow believers. These Festivals recognize the four seasons of the year, four moments of history, four stages of human life and the four states of human consciousness.

The purpose of the holy days is to force you step back from the hustle of everyday life to appreciate and give thanks for what you’ve been given. To celebrate, to understand and reflect on the spiritual you. There are countless questions for you to ponder. Why did Yahweh emancipate the Hebrews from slavery? Why did he select the Hebrews as his chosen/set-apart people? How can I atone for my sins, and so on?
The holy days included in our Ancient Hebrew Calendar only encompasses those explicitly ordained in the Scriptures. It omits all secular holidays, regardless of its present-day acceptance or significance.

Relevant Scriptures

Exodus 34:23
Three times in the year all your men are to appear before the Master, Yahweh, the Elohim of Yisrael.
Deuteronomy 16:16
Three times a year all your males appear before Yahweh your Elohim in the place he chooses: at the Festival of Matzot, and at the Festival of Shavuot, and at the Festival of Sukkot. And none should appear before Yahweh empty-handed.

Holy/Set-Apart Days – Jerusalem (Israel)

Holy/Set-Apart Days – Georgia (USA)

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Scriptural Creation Timeline

Scriptural Creation Timeline

There is no real consensus amongst Biblical scholars on the correct calculation for the start of Creation date. If everyone is using the same Biblical sources, then why isn’t there a consensus on the Creation Timeline duration you might ask?
The duration from Adam’s creation date to the Incarnation of Yahusha (Jesus) used in the ancient Hebrew Scriptures and in the Septuagint, are both around 5500 years to what we call 1 AD.
The Masoretic Text has a timeline of 3760 years to what we call 1 AD. Since the Masoretic Hebrew texts are the source of present-day English Biblical texts, so present-day English Bibles also have the 3760-year timeline.
The Ancient Hebrew Scriptural Texts, the Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal Works and the Septuagint all placed the Messiah’s coming at around 5500 years after the Creation of Adam, in Julian Year 1 AD., which puts us at current Hebrew Year 7521. Historians Sextus Julius Africanus, called the Father of Chronology, Yusebius (Eusebius) Pamphii, and Yosef ben Matityahu (Flavius Josephus) were some of the most prominent proponents of the 5500-year timeline.

Mosheh ben Maimon (Maimonides) who wrote the Mishneh Torah and Yose (Jose) ben Halafta, who wrote Seder Olam Rabbah were two of the leading advocates of the 3760-year timeline. Maimonides calculated the duration from the Creation of Adam to Julian Year 1 AD. at 3760 years, which puts the current Jewish Year at 5781. Present-day Jewish calendars still use the calculations established by Maimonides centuries ago.
My research led me to conclude that the work of Africanus is the most accurate Creation Timeline.
The Creation Timeline proliferated by Africanus 2000 years ago is a match with the calculations of most present-day bible scholars who use the Septuagint LXX to calculate their timeline, though Africanus himself didn’t use Septuagint for his calculations. Instead, he used the ancient Hebraic Scriptural writings as the basis for his calculations. Additionally, Africanus built an alternate timeline of non-religious historical events that he used to substantiate and cross-check dates in his Scriptural timeline.

Timeline Summaries

  • Our “Scriptural Creation Timeline” is based on the timeline set forth by “the Father of Chronology” Sextus Julius Africanus.
  • He Places Creation in Hebrew Year 1 (5500 BC) the great flood in Year 2262 (3238 BC), Babylonian Captivity of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) in 4870 (630 BC).

And His Resurrection in Year 5531 (32 AD). According to Africanus’ both Adam’s Creation and the incarnation occurred on March 25th, exactly 5500 years to the day apart.

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Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh

New Moons – Months

Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) Table – Jerusalem, Israel

Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) Table – Georgia, USA

These tables include the New Moon’s with their Hebrew and transliterated English names, along with the dates on which they occur in their respective locations.

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Ancient Hebrew VS Modern Jewish Calendar Comparisons

Ancient Hebrew VS Modern Jewish Calendar Comparisons

Many of the practices included on the contemporary Jewish calendars are the same as those used in ancient times, but there are many differences as well. Our website calendar strictly adheres to the ancient Hebrew Scriptural commands given by the Torah and the Old Testament biblical texts.
We do not use Babylonian names, such as Nissan or Tammuz, for the new moons (months). Instead, we use numbers, i.e., Chodesh Rishon (First New Moon) (first month), as are used in the Torah and the Old Testament.

  • We do not use Babylonian names, such as Nissan or Tammuz, for the new moons (months). Instead, we use numbers, i.e., Chodesh Rishon (First New Moon) (first month), as are used in the Torah and the Old Testament.
  • We consider the date of creation, based on biblical creation timelines, to be 7520 years ago instead of 5781 years ago. One of our magazine articles examines and explains the Scriptural Creation Timeline.
  • We do not include additional holy days to account for travel by people who might be in diaspora. We strictly adhere to the Scriptural time-periods and give no special considerations for travel time as they gave none in ancient times.
  • We put the new moon’s and all holy days on the calendar on their exact date, we make no adjustments to prevent them from falling on Shabbat (the Sabbath).
  • Our new moon festivity durations are 1-day events, never 2-day events.
  • Our calendar does not include any holy days that are not explicitly ordained as such in the Scriptures like: Hanukah, Purim, Second Passover, Lag B’ Omer, the Three Weeks or the 15th of Av.
  • We do not refer to the holy day of Yom Teruah as Rosh Hashana (Head of the Year, New Year’s Day). We use the Chodesh Rishon (First New Moon) (1st month) of the year Aviv (the month of Spring) as stated in the Torah and in Exodus 12:1-2 as the Head of the Months (start of the year).

Ancient Hebrew Calendars, Jerusalem (Israel)

Ancient Hebrew Calendar, Georgia (USA)

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Ancient Hebrew Days of the Week

Ancient Hebrew Days of the Week

Calculations of years, months and days in the Gregorian calendar are based on fixed hours equal to 1/24 of a day. The ancient Hebrew’s day (yom) was based on the local time of sunset, and a day went from sunset to sunset and didn’t have a fixed duration. If you’re doing something on a Gregorian calendar day at a time after sunset, you’d be on the next day of the Hebrew calendar. For example, Pesach (Passover) would begin at sunset the day before the date specified as the holy/set-apart day and ends at sunset on the day specified.

The word yom pertains to the concept of time, not just for day(s), but for time in general. How yom is translated depends on its use in a sentence, it’s used similarly to the way the word day is used in the English language.
Yom is used in the name of numerous Hebrew festivals, such as, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) or Yom Teruah (Day of Blasting), and to identify the days of the week, such as, Yom Rishon (the First Day) or Yom Shabbat (the Sabbath Day).


Shabbat (Sabbath) is a day of rest and prayer for Hebrews. It starts at sunset on Yom Shishi, the 6th day of the week (Friday), and finishes at sunset on the 7th day (Saturday). They had to abstain from physical work, and any other activities forbidden by the Scriptures on Shabbat.
The Hebrew religion doesn’t have names for the days of the week. Sunday is called Yom Rishon (First Day) and Monday is Yom Sheni (Second Day), and so on. Because we are invariably counting down to the Shabbat each time we say the day of the week, it helps us fulfill the divine law of (Exodus 20:8) to always “remember Shabbat to keep it holy.”

Refer to the “Counting the Weeks Table” below for additional information pertaining to The Festival of Shavuot.

Counting the Weeks of Shavuot – Hebrew Names

Counting the Weeks of Shavuot – English Translation

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An Extract out of Josephus’s Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades

An Extract out of Josephus’s Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades

Flavius Josephus

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A Voice of Warning

A Voice of Warning

What do the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe?

Pratt was one of the original leaders of the Latter-Day Saint movement and he wrote multiple books and pamphlets on the traditions and beliefs followed by the church. He talks about how the prophecies of the Biblical scripture have only been partially fulfilled. Combined with his coherent and deep discussion about Mormon doctrine, it makes his book a classic piece of religious thoughts.
In the introduction, Pratt justifies the title and the book basically provides information about religious practices and prophecies of Mormonism and it gained a massive number of followers throughout North America when it was published. The book acts like a warning to honest Christians and prepares them to face the truths mentioned in the Bible, enclosed within the definitive messages of the Holy Ghost
Pratt feels that everyone should know and act upon these truths irrespective of whether the reader Is a Mormon or a Christian.
Everyone should realize that God is present in every territory on the planet and that all the essential looming events like the resurrection of the saints must come to fruition. Pratt also talks about the how the Mormons consider the Native Americans as descendants of the lost Tribes of Israel.

A Voice of Warning

A Voice of Warning is a dynamic and passionate 19th-century case for Mormonism. After it was published in 1837, It became Mormonism’s most Important non-canonical texts. The intelligent style of the book explains Mormonism and distinguishes it from the more traditional Protestant Christianity.
The church believes that God’s revelations still continue today. They believe revelations for a ward come to the bishop of that ward, revelation to direct a stake comes to the stake president, and revelation to direct a church would come to the church’s president. Latter-Day Saints also believe that its possible for human beings to receive a personal epiphany and spiritual advice for handling their personal matters and raising their families.
Latter Day Saints give significant importance to the lessons of the church leaders because they believe in the modern-day revelation given to them by the holy spirit. They appreciate and adore their words because it lets people think about the honesty of divine statements as present-day prophecies.

The doctrine of Mormonism is a belief that God is the creator of the universe and everything in it. However, the Mormon concept of -eternal’ differs from that of traditional Christians, according to them God’s eternal nature lives outside of time or space.
The Bible helps in understanding that Jesus formed His Church with prophets, teachers, apostles. pastors and several other Church officials whose primary goal was to unify all men in Jesus Christ and His teaching.
Old Testament prophets talked about the last days as an era when the entire ordinances and grace of the gospel would be available to humanity. Every glorious event that was supposed to take place in the present was spoken of by ancient prophets like Malachi, Joel, Daniel, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. For instance, Isaiah talked about the incredible work and wonder regarding the promised restoration of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Peter talked about the indemnity of everything in the last days.

Parley P. Pratt

“Dignity and majesty have 1 seen but once, as it stood in chains, at midnight, in a dungeon in an obscure village of Missouri.”

  • Parley Parker Pratt Sr. was born on April 12, 1807, in Burlington, New York, and died on May 13, 1857, in Arkansas, United States. His father was Jared Pratt and his mother was Charity Dickinson who was an offspring of Anne Hutchinson. He wedded Thankful Halsey in Canaan, New York on September 9, 1827. and they moved to Cleveland, Ohio afterwards. In Cleveland, he became a member of the “Disciples of Christ”, a reformed Baptist Society after being motivated by Sidney Rigdon’s sermons. He eventually took up preaching. He also believed in polygamy and had a massive family of 12 spouses, 30 children, and 266 grandchildren.
  • His first wife, Thankful Halsey Pratt, died during the birth of their first child in March 1837. He tied the knot to his second wife, Mary Ann Frost Stearns, on May 14, 1837. Mary, a widow, and her daughter had arrived in Kirtland in 1836. Frederick G. Williams executed the marriage ceremony and David W. Patten baptized Mary Ann. Joseph Smith was not supportive of Latter-Day Saints who got married within such a short time after the death of their partner.
  • Pratt and Mary Ann had a strong bond in their marriage, especially after she willingly went to prison in Missouri to join her husband. But after he started marrying other women, they separated. According to him, the reason why his marriage with Mary Ann didn’t work was that she was influenced by the false teachings that were spreading in the Church.
  • Between 1846 and 1847, Pratt tried several times to persuade Mary Ann to join him on his journey to the west, but she decided otherwise and returned to Maine after spending the winter of 1846 to 1847 in a deserted Nauvoo. She received clothes and money from Pratt for her return and also some proceeds from when Pratt sold his home to a Roman Catholic priest. Till today, the Nauvoo home is used by the Catholic priests as a place of residence.
  • Mary Ann traveled to Utah Territory in 1852, but she had severe disagreements with Pratt regarding how their children would be raised and hence Mary Ann got a divorce decree issued in 1853, with the help of Brigham Young. After that Mary Ann established herself in Pleasant Grove, Utah where she remained in the Latter-Day Saints Church, worked as a midwife, and eventually became a leading advocate to fight for Mormon women against the attacks of those opposed to polygamy.
  • Matthew J. Grow said that being surrounded by a brimming world of descendants and wives is what gave Pratt happiness.


  • The Millennium and Other Poems (1840)
  • Late Persecutions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: With a Sketch of Their Rise, Progress and Doctrine (1840)
  • “A Dialogue between Joseph Smith and the Devir, 1844
  • Key to the Science of Theology (1855)
  • Key to the Silence of Theology (1855)
  • The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt (1874, posthumous)
  • The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt

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