The Prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9
The Prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9
Africanus Quotations Explaining the 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel

“In the third year of the reign of Belshazzar, Daniel 8:1 where he prophesies of the subversion of the Persian power by the Greeks, which empires are symbolized in the prophecy under the figures of the ram and the he goat respectively.”
“Daniel 8:13-14 the sacrifice, he says, shall be abolished, and the holy places shall he made desolate, so as to be trodden under foot; which things shall be determined within 2300 days.
For if we take the day as a month, just as elsewhere in prophecy days are taken as years, and in different places are used in different ways, reducing the period in the same way as has been done above to Hebrew months, we shall find the period fully made out to the 20th year of the reign of Artaxerxes, from the capture of Jerusalem. For there are given thus 185 years, and one-year falls to be added to these — the year in which Nehemiah built the wall of the city. In 186 years, therefore, we find 2300 Hebrew months.”
“The angel instructs us to take from the going forth of the commandment to answer and to build Jerusalem. And this happened in the twentieth year of the reign of Artaxerxes, king of Persia. For Nehemyah (Nehemiah) his cup-bearer besought him and received the answer that Jerusalem should be built.”
Summarization of Africanus’ Explanation Regarding the 2300 Days:
- The “Ram” and the “He Goat” symbolized Persia and Greece.
- We take each of the 2300 days as a lunar month (2300 days of new moons) which converts to 186 solar years.
- The start of the 2300-days (186 years) was the start of the Hebrews captivity by the Babylonian’s in the Hebrew Year 4870 (630 BC).
- The end of the 2300-days (186 years) is when Nehemyah returned from Babylon to the destroyed city of Jerusalem to start the rebuild in Hebrew Year 5056 (444 BC).
- Starting at Hebrew Year 4870 plus 186 years puts us at Hebrew Year 5056 (444 BC) as the start date for the 70 weeks count.
Convert 2300 Days of New Moons (Months) to Solar Years
The average duration of a new moon cycle is 29.53058917 days, so a year of 12 lunar moon cycles (months) would be 354.36707 days long; and the calendar year is a solar year, which is 365.242199 days long.

Summarization of Africanus’ Explanation Regarding the 70 Weeks:
- We take each of day of the 70 weeks as a lunar year, making it 70 weeks of lunar years, which equates to 490 lunar years, which is equivalent to 475 solar years
- The start of the 70 weeks (475 years) is when Nehemyah returned from Babylon to the destroyed city of Jerusalem to start the rebuild in Hebrew Year 5056 (444 BC).
- The end of the 70 weeks (475 years) marks the crucifixion of the Messiah in Hebrew Year 5531 (32 AD).
- From Hebrew Year 5056 plus 475 years puts us at Hebrew Year 5531 (32 AD) as the resurrection date.
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